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MSCA Expressions of Interest 2017

Enrique Lopez Cabarcos
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Nanostructured and Biofunctional Materials
Química-Física II II (Fisico-Química Farmacéutica)
Faculty of Pharmacy
We synthesize biomaterials basen on gels, microgels, and nanogels loaded with enzymes with the aim to develop sensors and biosensors.We prepare biomaterials based on calcium phosphate ceramics and cements with the aim to use them in bone regeneration.We develop structured nanoparticles functionalized with PEG and PCL with the aim to use them as carriers for drug transport and delivery.
1.- Microgels and nanogels loaded with enzymes
2.- Calcium phosphate ceramics and cements doped with ions
3.- Upconversion nanoparticles as drug carriers
Chemistry (CHE), Life Sciences (LIF)
Pza. Ramón y Cajal, s/n; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 - MADRID
Participant Portal
Euraxess España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid