The FUNMOLS network will tackle major challenges in the field of molecular electronics. Ten internationally-leading European research groups from five different countries [including one of Europe’s leading industrial electronics-research groups (IBM Zurich)] have joined forces as full participants, combining expertise in synthetic chemistry, nanoscale physics and device engineering, surface electrochemistry and electronic structure calculations.
Our highly-integrated approach involves a convergence of experiments – including syntheses – and theory in electron transport through single molecules, which will represent a major step towards the realisation of future scalable molecular electronics technologies and processes.
In the longer term, the insights gained will contribute to the fabrication of functional nanoscopic architectures and their integration into a higher hierarchical level. System parameters like electric field, light, temperature or chemical reactivity are envisaged as possible triggers of future
nanoelectronic devices.
This European consortium is committed to promote breakthroughs at the frontier of science. The training dimension of the FUNMOLS network is reflected in the high priority we will give to a series of actions specifically aimed at early stage researchers (ESRs). These include: education and knowledge dissemination through the organisation of Workshops, Tutorial Courses, Annual Network Meetings, Training Schools, International Conferences and Mobility Programmes.
The network as a whole builds on several fruitful collaborations between the PIs and seeks to close an existing educational gap in the European Research Arena. The development of complementary skills (presentation, management, technology transfer, IP protection) will be implemented actively throughout the lifetime of the project. A constant interaction beyond those involved primarily in research will provide the wider scientific community with information on our new technology.