GNOSTIC will investigate, over four continents, the gender bias still existing in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), in particular in the international cooperation domain. Cultural differences and diverse heritages will be considered and analysed together with statistic data and specific indicators, to have the most correct framework of analysis of the gender dimension in STI in a large number of countries and to identify those cultural and institutional barriers which turn women away from STI and affect their careers, so as to implement specific actions to correct the existing cultural biases and to enhance the female participation in the STI domain and the international and European knowledge exchange. The project will harmonise what already done in the EU and international arena towards gender equality, by facing up to multicultural and different environments and finding solutions for the empowerment of a gendered participation in the STI fields in the involved countries. GNOSTIC will also examine the already existent scientific agreements among the third countries and the European ones with a gendered perspective. The agreements will be analysed along with the requests contained in the call.
After the first needs recognition and the description of the framework under a multi-cultural point of view and of the economic and educational impacts, the project will go along three specific lines of interventions aiming at enhancing: a) Equality in careers b) Gender balance in decision-making c) Integration of the gender dimension in R&I contents, by finding specific positive actions to be implemented in the participating organisations and in the international cooperation and besides, with a particular attention to STI equal participation and durable and reusable results. Finally, a network of GNOSTIC hubs will promote the actions and dissemination of the results taking into account the specific cultural and socio-economic environment at each country.