EYE project will advance the scientific knowledge in order to develop new therapeutic solutions for presbyopia. The consortium is formed by a highly inter-disciplinary team involving optometrists, chemists, biochemists, physicists, and computer engineers who have been successfully studying the different properties of the contact lenses (CLs) and presbyopia for many years. The consortium of this EID project comprises two Beneficiaries - a private sector partner – CL manufacturer (Mark’ennovy) and a university delivering PhD degrees - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Alain Afflelou, optical centres group with more than 1.400 optical centres around the world, collaborates with EYE consortium as a Partner Organization providing access to the end users and clinicians (optometrists). The ambitious objectives of the project are: 1. To train 5 early-stage researchers (ESRs), and more specifically provide them with (i) training in state-of-the-art concepts and leading-edge research techniques essential to study the human eye’s behaviour, (ii) extensive training in complementary skills (iii) 18 months working experience in the private sector, (iv) solid professional connections for future career development. 2. To advance the scientific knowledge in the Vision Science field in order to develop more satisfying presbyopic therapeutic solutions which will positively impact the quality of the life of the patients. 3. To boost the impact and the international visibility of the European research and EU funding through the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities incorporated within the project, as well as by establishment of a long-term synergic collaboration among an academic and private sectors.