Europe must use water more efficiently to avoid the anticipated impacts of water shortage driven by a range of dynamics incl. climate change. Nanotechnologies, materials and process innovations (NMP) are key enabling technologies for efficient industrial water management.
The chemical industry has a unique role as major water user AND a key solution provider for the development of future water technologies.
ChemWater will coordinate EU strategies across and beyond ETPs on sustainable materials, technologies and process development in the chemical and water industries, with the final objective to integrating and exploiting NMP knowledge and technologies addressing the emerging global challenge of sustainable industrial water management.
The ChemWater workplan will deliver: Cross-sectoral synergies between key stakeholders (i.e. ETPs, NoEs, ERA-NETs) drawing on knowledge from chemical processes and water technologies.
A long term 2050 vision and strategy on technologies and process developments enabling efficient industrial water management that integrates across sectors disciplines and engages the necessary resources and relevant stakeholders.
A Joint implementation Action Plan addressing NMP research needs, skills needs, business development opportunities. Specification of those elements and mechanisms required to ensure the rapid uptake and commercialization of enhanced materials, and processes contributing to optimized industrial water management.
Establishment and implementation of an effective dissemination strategy to ensure the communication not only of the project objectives and action plans but also best practices, methodologies and common long term strategies. ChemWater provides an opportunity, to promote progressive science-based industry, foster a sustainable European supply industry, contributing to meet the water needs of society and having the potential to provide Europe with a leading position in the growing global NMP-Water market.