The diagnostic and screening is basic for the control and eradication of infectious diseases in Veterinary Medicine. There are an important number of diseases, such as the ones included in the OIE List A which affect different domestic and wild life species causing huge economics losses worldwide. The current proposal “RAPIDIA-FIELD” (Rapid Diagnostics for the Field) aims to develop rapid, ready-to-use veterinary field tests to improve the diagnosis of some of these pathologies.
RAPIDIA-FIELD is an initiative of 12 partners from 8 different European countries with strong expertises in virology and diagnostic. The consortium is form by five leading European diagnostic SME and seven top public research organizations. Due to the worldwide importance of the improvement of prevention measures in Animal Health, the project will extend its international dimension through a Field-Net-Group with partners in America, Asia, Russia and Africa that will collaborate in the field evaluation of prototypes and products, sample provision and technical information about assays performance.
By joining their strengths, they have an ideal position to be successful in the control of infectious diseases in animals and the reduction of danger epizooties. The main objectives are: (i) improvement of sample collection and preparation, (ii) field serology and direct pathogen detection tests that could be used by minimally trained personnel, low cost and able to detect multiple pathogens, (iii) development of simple laboratory methods that allow a sensitive, specific and multiple detection of antibodies and pathogens, (iv) confirmation and reference techniques.
Adaptation of the new assays to be used in different species (including wild life) or the preparation of reference samples, will be keep in mind along the project. The tools and approaches developed in RAPIDIA-FIELD will become available to all laboratories and authorities that want to solve the
control of infectious veterinary diseases.