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ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Fivos Panetsos
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Research group
Neuro-computing and Neuro-robotics Research Group
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Optics and Optometry
Group description
Neuro-computing & Neuro-robotics Research Group, Complutende University of Madrid (UCM)
Neural Plasticity Research Group, Institute of Medical Research of San Carlos Hospital, Madrid (IdISSC)
Principal Investigator: Fivos Panetsos
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Fivos Panetsos is Professor at UCM, Director of the Neuro-computing and Neuro-robotics Research Group at UCM and Director of the Neural Plasticity Research Group at IdISSC Hospital, Madrid.
He is PhD in Medicine & Surgery, PhD in Biology, Dottore in Mathematics and Specialist in Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Modeling. He has been Assist Prof at Univ Carlos III and UNED-Spain and visiting scientist at several Universities worlwide. His Research Group carried out more than 40 RD projects, has 4 spin-off companies, 19 patents in EU, USA, etc. and won the 1st prize of the World Intellectual Property Organization of the UN. UCM has 33 Faculties, 5.600 academics, 22 Research Centers of Excellence and 3.372 funded projects (2014).
We are interested in: hybrid biomaterials for brain repair and interfaces with sensory neuroprostheses; plasticity of the central nervous system induced by damage of the sensory pathways; regeneration of amputated peripheral nerves and their connection to sensory neuroprostheses; ischemic stroke and autoimmune diseases therapy by modulating the immune response through vagus nerve stimulation.
Research topic
Project 1: Biohybrid silk fibroin-based biomaterials for nervous system regeneration and repair
We have developed and patented a new technology for brain repair; for regeneration of damaged nerves; for interconnect the nervous system with electronic devices. The research is being carried out in collaboration with other Universities, Research Centers and a spin-off company and it is integrated into two already funded research projects of the Spanish Government. The candidate can address: 1) Central nervous system regeneration and repair: in vitro and in vivo studies of the effect of the stem cells, neuroprotective/ antiinflammatory factors and electromagnetic fields on the quality and timing of the neural repair (stroke, Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc. 2) Ex-vivo development of artificial nerves: development of large flexible biohybrid structures for biological communication between brain and body organs or between brain and electronic devices. Artificial nerves are modular structures developed in vitro in co-cultures with supportive cells, neural precursors and several facilitatory factors.
Project 2: Modulation of the immune system by non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation
The electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve has multiple therapeutic effects, both central (antiepileptic, antidepressive, etc.) and peripheral (cardiac, immunologic, etc.). The candidate should focus on the modulation of the responses of the immune system in cerebral ischemia and diseases of autoimmune origin. He/she will perform electrophysiological, histochemical and inmunohistochemical studies in rats and mice. Research is being carried out in collaboration with the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) and the Faculty of Medicine - University of Naples (Italy)
Research area
Life Sciences (LIF)
Candidatures: requirements
Candidates should send to Prof. Fivos Panetsos: CV and Motivation letter
Candidatures: deadline
Avda. Arcos de Jalón, 118; 28037 - MADRID
Participant Portal
Euraxess España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid