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ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Jaime Ferri Durá
Contact email
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Research group
Politics, Administration and Territory Research Group (P.A.T)
Political Science and Administration
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Political and Social Science
Group description
The Politics, Administration and Territory Research Group (P.A.T) develops research and teaching on Political Actors, Institutions, Public Policies, Public Administrations and Intergubernamental Relations.

The P.A.T Research Group is coordinated by Complutense University of Madrid PhD. Jaime Ferri Durá, Political Science and Administration (PSA) Department Associate Professor and Chair. PhD. Ferri is B.A. in Political Sicence and Sociology, and Constitutional Law and Political Science, European Communities Law, and Mediation Specialist Graduate. PhD. Ferri was former Students, Studies and Economic Affairs Vice-Dean of the Political Science and Sociology Faculty (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM); and is actually research member of the UCM Mediation Institut. A broad and multidisciplinary team of researchers and teachers from the PSA Department integrate the P.A.T Group.

Finished european matters projects: Youth Employment European Commission Initiatives difussion actions (COMM/MAD/2014/02-ES44). 2014-11-01 to 2015-10-31.

SCOPUS Publications:

2013. Ferri Durá, J. 2013. Política y Gobierno en el Estado Autonómico. Valencia: INAP, T. lo B.
AA.VV. Mediation and Social Sciences: conflictis alternative resolution. Política y Sociedad ,
Research group website
Research topic
The core research lines of the P.A.T. Group are:

- Territorial Power Distribution,

- Multilevel Policies Governance,

- Centre-Periphery Relations,

- Territorial Identities.

The aim of the Expression of Interest is to fully integrate the Marie Curie Standard European Fellow in the research group different activities:

a) to improve a global and comparative perspective of these research lines to a broaden territorial space, including Europe, Latin America and North America;

b) and to focus on news research developments on contentious politics and elections and the nation building process.
Research area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Candidatures: requirements
Applicants should submitt the following documents:

- CV;

- A letter of motivation;

- A recent published research work;

- And a brief research proposal.

Candidatures: deadline
Campus de Somosaguas; 28223 - POZUELO DE ALARCÓN
Participant Portal
Euraxess España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid