ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Yolanda Madrid Albarran
Contact email
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ORCID link
Research group
Determinación de trazas, especiacion and proteomica (TrEP)
Analytical Chemistry
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Chemical Science
Group description
The TrEP research group is composed by teachers and research staff (seniors, post-doc and pHD students) of the Analytical Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid. Spain. The TrEP group was established in 1987 and formally recognized by the UCM as Excellent. The group has a great experience and international prestige in the field of trace element speciation (selenium, arsenic, mercury), metal-based nanoparticles determination in complex matrices (food, environment and clinical samples) and metallomics, proteomics and toxicity studies involving the aforementioned compounds. Since 1987, the group has published over 500 scientific articles and book chapters in high-impact journals and it has received financial support through 65 regional, national and international (EU) projects. To date 53 students have obtained their doctorate under the direction of group members and many others have received MS degrees. The research activities of the group have produced high quality researches with knowledge in high demanded areas of the analytical chemistry and chemical industry such as of chromatography, mass spectrometry, atomic spectrometry and nanometrology techniques. The group has also periodically received visiting scientists from national and international research groups
Research group website
Research topic
Metal-based nanoparticles (AgNPs, TiO2NPs, ZnONPs, SeNPs) are employed in a broad range of applications, from microelectronics to daily life products. The use of nanoparticles (NPs) is increasing, but little is known on their impact on ecosystems and humans. The effect of NPs is highly dependent on their size, morphology and composition. Based on that, the main objectives (research lines) of the project proposed are:
Research area
Chemistry (CHE), Life Sciences (LIF)
Candidatures: requirements
CV of the candidate
Letter of motivation
Letter of motivation
Candidatures: deadline
Avda. Complutense, s/n; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 - MADRID