ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Eduardo Romanos
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ORCID link
Research group
Evolution of Spanish Contention (ECOPOL)
Applied Sociology
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Political and Social Science
Group description
The Evolution of Spanish Contention: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social Movements and Protest, 2000-2020’ (ECOPOL) brings together a dozen researchers devoted to the study of social movements and protest in 21st century Spain. ECOPOL is a research project funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
ECOPOL aims to contribute to filling a gap in the literature on social movements through a longitudinal analysis of contention in contemporary Spain that helps us to clarify the contrasts and identify medium- and long-term dynamics and geographical differences that tend to be overlooked in case studies. The main goal of the proposal is to achieve a better understanding of the evolution of contentious politics in Spain between 2000 and 2020. This objective is broken down into other, more specific goals focused on the analysis of protest cycles and their phases, the interaction between social movement activists and political authorities, the relationship between social movements and the political economy, the realms and scales of protest, the movement/contramovement dynamics and the spatial distribution of protest.
The achievement of these research goals is approached from the methodological triangulation between different techniques, mainly protest event analysis (PEA), which includes both longitudinal and spatial analysis; the in-depth analysis of qualitative interviews; and the analysis of secondary data.
ECOPOL will run for four years, between 2020 and 2024.
ECOPOL aims to contribute to filling a gap in the literature on social movements through a longitudinal analysis of contention in contemporary Spain that helps us to clarify the contrasts and identify medium- and long-term dynamics and geographical differences that tend to be overlooked in case studies. The main goal of the proposal is to achieve a better understanding of the evolution of contentious politics in Spain between 2000 and 2020. This objective is broken down into other, more specific goals focused on the analysis of protest cycles and their phases, the interaction between social movement activists and political authorities, the relationship between social movements and the political economy, the realms and scales of protest, the movement/contramovement dynamics and the spatial distribution of protest.
The achievement of these research goals is approached from the methodological triangulation between different techniques, mainly protest event analysis (PEA), which includes both longitudinal and spatial analysis; the in-depth analysis of qualitative interviews; and the analysis of secondary data.
ECOPOL will run for four years, between 2020 and 2024.
Research group website
Research topic
ECOPOL invites proposals that seek to broaden research perspectives to overcome a still excessively compartmentalized approach in the field of social movements, providing new evidence and generating new evidence-based knowledge on the evolution of contention. Proposals including longitudinal and/or comparative analyses and employing methodological triangulation are especially welcome.
Research area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Candidatures: requirements
Applicants must submit an updated curriculum vitae, a brief letter of motivation and an overview of the research line to be developed in the project.
Candidatures: deadline
Campus de Somosaguas; 28223 - POZUELO DE ALARCÓN