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ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Mercedes Oliet Palá
Contact email
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Research group
Development of chemical processes and products with low environmental impact
Chemical Engineering and Materials
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Chemical Science
Group description
The Group created in 2005 deals with the development of processes and products in three different areas of expertise:
- Development and characterization of biomaterials
- Integral use of lignocellulosic biomass: biorefinery
- Use of ionic liquids as an alternative to organic solvents in process development
During these years, the Group has published more than 60 scientific research papers (from 2014 to now), has been participating in National and Regional R&D projects, and take part of the Network of Excellence of Sustainable Biorefineries.
Group members:
Principal investigator (1):Francisco Rodríguez Somolinos(Professor)
Professors (2):Mª Mercedes OlietPalá and Mª Virginia Alonso Rubio
Associate Professors (3): Fernando Mirada Coronel, Julián García González and Juan Carlos Domínguez Toribio
Assistant Professors (1): Victoria Rigual Hernández
PhD Students (4): Miguel Ayuso Sebastián, Antonio Ovejero Pérez, Noelia García Somoza and Cynthia Hopson Safatli
Research topic
The Research Group has been working with lignocellulosic biomass (mainly woody biomass) in order to achieve a complete fractionation into their three main components: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Some of the employed treatments are: autohydrolysis, organosolv, ionosolv and ionic liquid pretreatments. Pretreatments are run at lab scale for their optimization, being scaled up (x10) for techno economic analysis. After pretreatments a complete characterization of the fractionated materials is developed, showing special interest into lignin. Some of the most employed techniques are: HPLC, GPC, NMR, TGA, SEM, etc.
Research area

We are looking for researchers with experience in any of the following topics: Green chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Technoeconomical and Life cycle Assessment.
Research area
Environmental Sciences and Geology (ENV)
Candidatures: requirements
1-. Curriculum vitae (please, check before the eligibility of your profile for applying to the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowships https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/actions/individual-fellowships_en ).
2-. Abstract of the proposal (Max. 1 page)

Candidatures: deadline
Avda. Complutense, s/n; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 - MADRID
Participant Portal
Euraxess España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid