ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Jose Antonio Jiménez De Las Heras
Contact email
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ORCID link
Research group
Communication Theory and Analysis
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Media & Communication Science
Group description
Our research group, together with the Research Support Centre for Audiovisual Content Creation, with which we work together, has the following interests and research areas:
- The analysis and creation of documentary formats, reports, news and other audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science
- The study of audiovisual history and narrative (cinema, television and video games) and the analysis of audiovisual texts
- The study and analysis of ideology and politics in the history of cinema and in the reference texts in this area
- The study and generation of new audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science and the teaching of audiovisual and other scientific disciplines through them
Our group has developed more than 30 national, international and R&D research projects, focusing also on Scientific Cooperation projects with special incidence in Africa where it has worked in Ghana, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Burundi and the Saharawi Camps in Algeria
Our work can be consulted on the group's website and in these two links:
- The analysis and creation of documentary formats, reports, news and other audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science
- The study of audiovisual history and narrative (cinema, television and video games) and the analysis of audiovisual texts
- The study and analysis of ideology and politics in the history of cinema and in the reference texts in this area
- The study and generation of new audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science and the teaching of audiovisual and other scientific disciplines through them
Our group has developed more than 30 national, international and R&D research projects, focusing also on Scientific Cooperation projects with special incidence in Africa where it has worked in Ghana, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Burundi and the Saharawi Camps in Algeria
Our work can be consulted on the group's website and in these two links:
Research group website
Research topic
Our lines of research are, as we have already indicated:
- The analysis and creation of documentary formats, reports, news and other audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science
- The study of audiovisual history and narrative (cinema, television and video games) and the analysis of audiovisual texts
- The study and analysis of ideology and politics in the history of cinema and in the reference texts in this area
- The study and generation of new audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science and the teaching of audiovisual and other scientific disciplines through them
We are interested in developing projects for the different European calls (ERC, Agenda 2030, etc.), as well as national ones, in International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Projects and in the creation of Communication and Knowledge Generation Networks with Europe, Africa and Latin America
- The analysis and creation of documentary formats, reports, news and other audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science
- The study of audiovisual history and narrative (cinema, television and video games) and the analysis of audiovisual texts
- The study and analysis of ideology and politics in the history of cinema and in the reference texts in this area
- The study and generation of new audiovisual formats for the dissemination of science and the teaching of audiovisual and other scientific disciplines through them
We are interested in developing projects for the different European calls (ERC, Agenda 2030, etc.), as well as national ones, in International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Projects and in the creation of Communication and Knowledge Generation Networks with Europe, Africa and Latin America
Research area
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
Candidatures: requirements
Curriculum vitae, publications from the last 5 years, a letter of motivation from the candidate indicating his/her interests and lines of research, and a letter of recommendation from a professor/researcher
Candidatures: deadline
Avda. Complutense, s/n; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 - MADRID