Postdoctoral Fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) aim to support the career development and training of researchers in all scientific disciplines through international and intersectoral mobility.

The fellows carry out their own research project in collaboration with a host institution, which is indicated at the time of their application. Researchers of all ages, nationalities and scientific disciplines can apply.

Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) provide an extremely enriching experience, that enhance the career perspectives for researchers by developing new scientific competences and gaining international and collaborative research experience.

Complutense as a Host Institution


The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is a public research university located in Madrid, and one of the oldest universities in the world (founded in 1499).

The UCM enrols over 80,000 students, almost 6,000 faculties and more than 3,000 administration and service staff and consistently ranks as one of the top universities in Spain. 

Research Groups

There are more than 200 UCM research groups interested in hosting researchers through MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships.

They are looking for ambitious, creative and scientifically curious researchers who meet the MSCA-PF eligibility criteria.

If you are ready to take the next step in your research career look into our university's host offers.

European Office

The Complutense University of Madrid as host institution, through a dedicated European Research Office, supports MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship candidates both in the application process and in managing the grant.

We offer, among other specific support services, an in-depth review of the proposal by experienced advisors: internal deadline to send the draft proposal to office is August 31, 2021.

Expressions of Interest

The next section include information about several UCM supervisors that have expressed their interests to host MSCA experienced researchers in their research group. If you are interested in one of them, you should contact the corresponding Scientific Supervisor directly.

The web search application will help you find the offer that best suits your interests. Just enable and use the filters (click on the filter icon). You can search by faculty, research area, and research topic to be proposed / description of the research group (by means of keywords). Visit the links provided in the search results (table below) to display further information.

Some offers the supervisors ask for particular documents. If you are required to submit a project proposal or you do not know exactly what send to present your candidature, you can use our template 'One Page Proposal'. 

Instrucciones para la gestión de Proyectos de investigación conjuntos con centros de investigación de EE.UU. financiados mediante subvenciones (grants) de agencias federales (NIH, NSF, et al.)

Las propuestas presentadas por miembros del PDI de la UCM que reúnan las características descritas a continuación tendrán la consideración de proyectos de investigación y se gestionarán como proyectos internacionales de investigación desde la Oficina Europea de Investigación, y no como contratos art. 83 LOU desde la OTRI.

Dichas características son:

  • En estas propuestas la UCM participará en calidad de integrante de un consorcio liderado por un centro de investigación de EE.UU. que presente su proyecto a una convocatoria de subvenciones públicas para financiar proyectos de investigación (Research Project Grants). No se incluirán en esta categoría los procedimientos de selección y adjudicación de contratos públicos (tenders o licitaciones).
  • El líder del proyecto será siempre una entidad de nacionalidad estadounidense, que designará al IP. Los investigadores UCM tendrán la consideración de co-investigadores.
  • Estos proyectos se regirán de conformidad con la regulación establecida por la normativa específica de la institución financiadora (p.ej. NIH Grants Policy Statement). La entidad americana que lidere el proyecto deberá actuar como intermediario (PTE o Pass Through Entity) entre el organismo financiador y la UCM, que tendrá la consideración de Subrecipient, puesto que por regla general la normativa americana aplicable establece determinadas limitaciones para que las entidades extranjeras puedan solicitar o recibir directamente financiación pública. En consecuencia, la UCM facturará a la PTE para percibir los fondos asignados por su participación.
  • Al tratarse de proyectos y no de contratos (1), su duración no estará restringida. Sin embargo, los investigadores no podrán percibir retribuciones directas con cargo a los mismos, aunque sí indirectamente, a través de los recursos liberados del proyecto.

(1) Puede inducir a error el que se utilice una terminología variable para denominar al instrumento que se firma entre ambas entidades: Subaward Agreement, Consortium Agreement, Foreign Cost Reimbursement Subaward, ...

Tenure-Track Position for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowships?

The "Plan de Actuaciones en Profesorado 2020-23 (ES)" of the Complutense University includes among its calls several options for further hiring of researchers with a PhD. All options require an excellent CV and being granted National Accreditation.

Among the requirements for the stabilization of a Researcher to Assistant Professor, it is required that the researcher has spent at least 3 years as a researcher hired by the UCM in a competitive public call.

Global Fellowships are open to researchers currently within or outside Europe who want to move to a Third Country for 1-2 years and then come back to the Complutense University for an additional year. Therefore, researchers who have been awarded a three-year Global Fellowship would be, after the end of the project and with the current regulatory framework, in a position to meet this condition.

In certain situations, it has been possible for a researcher with at least 2 years working at UCM to opt for a position as a junior Associate Professor.

Complutense University of Madrid
European Office