Group description
The UCM is one of the largest and oldest Universities in Europe, with more than 90,000 students. The Department of Animal Health includes 60 staff members, and is involved in multidisciplinary aspects of Animal Health, including viral, fungal and bacterial infectious diseases. Research in Antimicrobial Resistance is the most important activity of, including coordination of national and international project and teaching in official master degrees including Bases of Research in Veterinary Sciences, Food- Safety and Zoonotic Diseases.
The Antimicrobial resistance Unit, the Gonzalez Zorn group at the UCM, works on multidisciplinary research and evolution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) since it was created, and works with human, animal, food and environmental microbiologists to unravel the molecular bases of spread of antimicrobial resistance genes and platforms. It is further associated to VISAVET, the Institute for Public Health in UCM., that leads, among others, the National center for Antimicrobial resistance or the European reference Lab for Animal TB. Further, a Large Animal P-3 husbandry facility is on site and internationally certified.