ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
José Carlos Menéndez
Contact email
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Research group
Medicinal Chemistry
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Pharmacy
Group description
The Biologically Relevant Heterocycles (Biohet) group at Universidad Complutense has a broad experience in the design and synthesis of bioactive compounds and has collaborated with many leading pharmaceutical companies and research groups throughout the world. It is attached to the "Innovative Medicine" section of the UCM-UPM Campus of International Excellence.
Research group website
Research topic
The group has broad interests, and its main research lines are:
(a) Anticancer compounds, either based on the optimization of natural models or designed to bind specific cancer targets, including topoisomerases and the TRPM8 calcium channel, an emerging target in prostate cancer.
(b) Multitarget compounds for other areas of chemotherapy, particularly tuberculosis and leishmaniasis.
(c) Multitarget-directed ligands for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and brain ischemia.
(d) Diversity-oriented synthesis for lead discovery, based on in-house developed domino and multicomponent reactions. Green synthesis.
Research area
Chemistry (CHE), Life Sciences (LIF)
Candidatures: requirements
Candidatures: deadline
Pza. Ramón y Cajal, s/n; Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 - MADRID