ERC group
MSCA Group
Scientific Supervisor
Claudia Finotelli
Contact email
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Research group
Applied Sociology
Faculty / Institute
Faculty of Political and Social Science
Group description
The GEMI (Grupo de Estudio sobre Migraciones Internacionales) is based at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is interested in the study of international migrations and their impact on destination countries. Its research lines include migration policies, socio-cultural and labour market integration, migration theories, attitudes towards immigration and xenophobia. The group has a strong interdisciplinary character and includes sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists, anthropologists and economists. The group has established several collaborations with other research groups and within international networks, such as the IMISCOE research network. In addition, the group members have demonstrated an outstanding capacity in attracting external funding through national and international research calls. In 2018, the GEMI has received the ANECA ‘Evaluation of excellence’ for the research activities performed since 2013.
Research group website
Research topic
Research area
Candidatures: requirements
- PhD in Sociology or Political Science
- Excellent English writing skills
- Sound experience in qualitative research methods
- CV and motivation letter

Candidatures: deadline
Campus de Somosaguas; 28223 - POZUELO DE ALARCÓN