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Nazario Martín León


Tipo Synergy Grants
Acrónimo TOMATTO
Título The ultimate Time scale in Organic Molecular opto-electronics, the ATTOsecond
Duración 72 meses

Financiación Total

11,726,141 €
Abstract Photoinduced electron transfer (ET) and charge transfer (CT) processes occurring in organic materials are the cornerstone of technologies aiming at the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and at its efficient transport. Thus, investigations of ET/CT induced by visible (VIS) and ultraviolet (UV) light are fundamental for the development of more efficient organic opto-electronic materials. The usual strategy to improve efficiency is chemical modification, which is based on chemical intuition and try-and-error approaches, with no control on the ultrafast electron dynamics induced by light. Achieving the latter is not easy, as the natural time scale for electronic motion is the attosecond (10-18 seconds), which is much shorter than the duration of laser pulses produced in femtochemistry laboratories. With femtosecond pulses, one can image and control “slower” processes, such as isomerization, nuclear vibrations, hydrogen migration, etc., which certainly affect ET and CT at “longer” time scales. However, real-time imaging of electronic motion is possibly the only way to fully understand and control the early stages of ET and CT, and by extension the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics that come later and lead (or not) to an efficient electric current. In this project we propose to overcome the fs time-scale bottleneck and get direct information on the early stages of ET/CT generated by VIS and UV light absorption on organic opto-electronic systems by extending the tools of attosecond science beyond the state of the
Tipo Advanced Grant
Título Chiral allotropes of Carbon
Panel PE5
Fecha de inicio 1/4/20013
Duración 60 meses
Financiación 2.235.000 €
Ficha Acceder a la ficha completa del proyecto
Abstract The aim of the present project is to answer fundamental questions about how to introduce chirality into a variety of carbon nanostructures and how it modifies the properties in the search for new applications in materials science and nanotecnology. Thus, it describes a fundamental and technological research program designed to gain new knowledge for the development of novel covalent and supramolecular chiral carbon nanoforms, and their further chemical modification for the preparation of sophisticated supramolecular 3D nanoarchitectures. Our research activity should reinforce and integrate the strong position of Europe in the knowledge of carbon nanoforms. This important scientific challenge has not been properly addressed so far due to the inherent difficulties to work on these materials and, particularly, to the lack of an efficient chemical protocol to prepare chiral carbon nanoforms.

Participant Portal
Euraxess España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid